The animation curves viewer (ACV) provides a graphical representation of your animation. You can edit your keys and adjust their tangents to fine-tune the animation interpolation.

Press the following button (in the brush window) to switch to ACV view :

You can also switch to ACV view from the menu bar:

To navigate in the ACV, if you are using a touch-enabled device, you can control the camera as follows:

Drag 2 fingers: scale the keys' value

Drag 3 fingers: scale the playback area

Drag 4 fingers: pan the keys

You can also use common controls with mouse and keyboards as follows:

Mouse wheel: scale the keys' value

Alt + MMB: scale the keys' value

Alt + LMB: scale the playback area

Alt + RMB: pan the keys

Playback ranges in Camera View and in ACV are independent.

In the toolbar, disable / enable the visibility of the curves for the selected joints :

 Translation in X, Y, Z

 Rotation in X, Y, Z

The translation keys are displayed as squares, the rotation keys are displayed as circles.

With a key selected, in the properties window, the key menu allows you to select the tangent mode for X, Y, Z components.

Current limitations :

- The scale keys tool is not released yet

- The X, Y, Z components of a key are linked in time: moving one key component in time will move the others

- We don't support weighted tangents yet

If you have any problem or any question, please contact support.


Thanks for using Mosketch.