Mosketch embeds a streaming server allowing to send (and receive) joints values to (from) your local network. This is useful for example when you want to animate in Mosketch, and see the results, in real-time, in another 3D package.  Mosketch to Maya Python script is a simple Python script showcasing how to stream joints values (orientation and translation) from Mosketch™ to Maya (and vice versa).

To use Mosketch streaming capabilities, please follow these steps:

  1. Install Mosketch to Maya Python script (and read its documentation)
  2. Start streaming server in Mosketch
  3. Start streaming python script in Maya

In the following, we describe how streaming works on Mosketch's side.

By default, streaming server is deactivated.

So, first choose between 2 modes: Manual streaming or Auto streaming.


Press "Send Joints Values" every time you want to send ALL the joints values out of Mosketch on the local network.

Press "Send Selected Joints Values" every time you want to send the values of the selected joints only.

You can also decide what to do when Mosketch window becomes inactive (on ALT-TAB, when switching to Maya, etc). By default in Manual mode, Mosketch will send the joint values to ensure that the connected software gets the latest pose.


Note that if the given frequency is too high, then some joints values sent on the network may be lost. For example, in Maya (using the Mosketch to Maya Python script), a high frequency may slow down Maya and even cause the script to fail receiving data. So if you get unexpected results, first try to decrease streaming frequency.

You can also decide what to do when Mosketch window becomes inactive (on ALT-TAB, when switching to Maya, etc). By default in Auto mode, Mosketch will stop streaming the joints values to make sure you can edit the animation in the connected software.